Averaging the top X scores

I’m resurrecting an app I wrote two years ago that we used to collect (and judge) online award applications. People could submit nominations, and then judges could score them.

The version from two years ago was really straightforward. There were 8 criteria with a score of 1-5, so everything was nice and round, and I could arrive at 100% very easily.

This year there’s a twist. There are 9 criteria, and they only want to count the 7 highest scores out of those. I have to admit, I have NO idea how to implement this.

Here’s my SQL from the old version, modified for the 9 criteria:

SELECT nominees.nom_id
		, nominees.nom_title
		, nominees.nom_summary
		, nominees.nom_firstname & ' ' &  nom_lastname AS nominee
		, judges.user_id AS judge_id
		, judges.user_name AS judge
		, users.user_name AS nominator
		, users.user_org
		, a.avg_score
		, ROUND(scores.cpi_score * 2.222
			+ scores.inno_score * 2.222
			+ scores.pc_score * 2.222
			+ scores.int_score * 2.222
			+ scores.equ_score * 2.222
			+ scores.ls_score * 2.222
			+ scores.drer_score * 2.222
			+ scores.iis_score * 2.222
			+ scores.css_score * 2.222) AS total_score
FROM ( ( ( ( (
		ON users.user_id = nominees.submit_id
		ON judgenom.nomination_id = nominees.nom_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN users AS judges
		ON judges.user_id = judgenom.judge_id
		ON scores.nomination_id = nominees.nom_id
				SELECT scores.nomination_id
						, AVG( scores.cpi_score * 2.222
								+ scores.inno_score * 2.222
								+ scores.pc_score * 2.222
								+ scores.int_score * 2.222
								+ scores.equ_score * 2.222
								+ scores.ls_score * 2.222
								+ scores.drer_score * 2.222
								+ scores.iis_score * 2.222
								+ scores.css_score * 2.222) AS avg_score
				FROM scores
				GROUP BY scores.nomination_id ) AS a
				ON a.nomination_id = nominees.nom_id
WHERE scores.judge_id = judgenom.judge_id
OR scores.judge_id IS NULL
ORDER BY avg_score DESC, nominees.nom_id, judgenom.judge_id

Any hints on how to make it consider only the top seven submitted scores?

Yep got it done.

I brought the scores into an array, sorted them, then deleted the bottom one (two passes). Works a charm!

I had a good suggestion to take care of the math in the code rather than in the SQL, so I think I’m going to try that route. I’ll post back with my progress.

We’re using ColdFusion (8) and MS Access (I know, I know, UGH!)

I have a feeling Access might not have the RANK function Ben was talking about.

What is the server-side programming language being used?

The implementation varies depending on what DB platform you are using, but generally

Step 1) normalize the scores with a score name and values in a subquery or temp table.
(SELECT nomination_id, “CPI” as score_type, cpi_score as score
FROM scores
SELECT nomination_id, “INNO” as score_type, inno_score as score
FROM scores

SELECT nomination_id, “CSS” as score_type, css_score as score
FROM scores) as scores1

Step 2) Rank the results
Many DBs have a RANK function. IIRC, MySQL does not, but these links may be of some help. (I like the second link with the UDF)
Page 2 - MySQL Rank Function ? - Dev Shed
How to get rank using mysql query | Thinkdiff.net

Step 3) Filter the results to RANK <=7

Step 4) Join these results back into the remainder of your query.

Hopefully this can get you pointed in the right direction. The unions are a bit obnoxious, but it will work.
