Ayn better way to do that?

I need to display all users from a company and users details (fullname, age, position).

I am wondering if the below method is a correct way to display 15 employees per page. In this method on each page 16 queries are executed and this is what I am worried about. Is that far too much or is it still ok?

table employees
id | userid | companyid | position

table users
userid | firstname | lastname | age | email | password …

$employees=mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM employees WHERE companyid='$companyid' LIMIT $paginationLimit ");
  $employeeDetails=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid='$userid'");

I missed something. I need to get from table employees also position. Also in subquery there is no while. So the query is:

$employees=mysql_query("SELECT userid, position FROM employees WHERE companyid='$companyid' LIMIT $paginationLimit ");
  $employeeDetails=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid='$userid'");

You should be using a join to get the info from the users table!!!

SELECT e.userid, e.position, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.age
FROM employees as e
JOIN users as u
ON e.userid = u.userid
WHERE e.companyid = ‘$companyid’ LIMIT $paginationLimit;

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