Banner Appears Full Size on Phone


I have built a site which appears perfect on my phone however when I try to add a banner to it blows up and appears full size on my phone.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this please?

<div class="articleimagebannerborder">
                                    <!--START MERCHANT:merchant name from .com.-->
                                            <a href=""><img src=""
                                            <!--END MERCHANT:merchant name from .com-->


If you are using wordpress for site then use wp-touch plugin. It automatically show your website in the mobile mode.

@justlukeyou—That’s really not enough information for anyone to be able to help at all. We’d need a link or an example layout.

you can post live url here so we can help you better…


Can anyone advise how to remove the unique key, I tried the following link but couldn’t get any of them to work: