Beginner's Problems

Hello. I have fairly recently started a website for the clubbing scene in my local area and have just done an interview with someone which I wanted to have ready today but I have problems.

I am still new to HTML5 and CSS3 so they are probably simple errors.

In decreasing order of importance my problems are:

  1. Half of the text does not appear in IE. I assume this is something to do with me using markers such as p5 which seems to work on Chrome but not IE.
  2. The pictures do not load on Firefox.
  3. The Facebook share link does not use the relevant photo at the top and uses one from the older separate feature on the page.
  4. The text after some of the links in the interview are going straight to a new line rather than just continuing in one sentence.

I could probably figure it out with enough time but I promised my interviewee that I would have it up today to help with their promotion so any advice appreciated – if only number 1 is resolved that would be satisfactory.

Any advice for a beginner would be much appreciated.


I’ve fixed all but number 3…and gosh they were dumb things.

Good for you James,

Sometimes all it takes is a little persistence. If you still can’t get the FB sharing plugin to work, try inserting a meta tag in the head of your page with the URL for the thumbnail you want to use. It should look like this,

<meta property=“og:image” content=“your_image_path” />

Hope that helps,


Yes that worked, thanks :slight_smile:

I just wanted to say, don’t feel that way. Learning something new is done through baby steps, trial and error, especially coding. Be proud of yourself for getting a domain up and running with HTML/CSS, and for listening to good music!

Yes you are right. Thanks. And the music is amazing :slight_smile: