Best PHP Framework for 2015 - SitePoint Survey Results


Uh, yeah, PHP 4 support. Let’s not mention ThinkPHP ever again :smile:

Concerning Nette, it is more about the community being very active for the first time in this year’s poll.
Take into account that the Czech Republic is very active in the IT sphere (with companies such as JetBrains, Avast, AVG, NetBenas all coming from this place) and if you took your time to check the local job offers you would quickly find out that Nette is the no. 1 to go PHP framework here. The Github repository isn’t very popular because of the smaller community of developers, it’s sadly more of a one man show in this regard.

You are essentially trying to guide search engines into thinking Phalcon is “the best php framework” because its the only link for a framework you provide. Wouldn’t a personal blog be more appropriate for your personal agendas being that you are an avid supporter of Phalcon?

Provide links to Laravel, its community and give it the credit it has earned.

What? He is merely reporting on survey results.

You should be blaming the entire community into “tricking the search engines” if you do not believe the results are accurate.

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My complaint is not regarding the survey, he did a great job and it was handled professionally. But the first link after a header like “best php framework” should be Laravel and there isn’t a single link to the winner, but instead a link to the authors personal preference along with reasoning why it didn’t perform better. Its biased. Links to Laravel would be enough to shut me up :smile:

I may be missing something, but the only Phalcon link I see is to SitePoint articles with that tag. So the equivalent link for Laravel would be this:

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I didn’t actually click the link, but that was the link I was referring to. Not external after all. Sorry all if this is dramatic and petty. I still think there should be a link to the winner :wink:

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To play devil’s advocate (not that I’d have anything against the devil), it may be seen as suspicious when an admittedly unknown framework ranks so high in a popularity contest … it wasn’t expected that its community would be so active here. But the author checked the votes and confirmed them.

No one is using Laravel 3, 2 or 1. There are only Laravel 4.2 and Laravel 5. Everyone can migrate from Laravel 4.2 to 5 easily so I don’t see your point here. The so called big differences from 4.2 are just things that were there before, but now marketing as good practices. On the other hand, ZF1 is very different from ZF2. This being said for many other frameworks. But also when Yii 1 and 2 are combined, Laravel still wins.

I’m very happy that there are peoples promoting good code on PHP like other languages. Happy that times are changing. Would love to see that on PHP community too. Lets hope for the best in the future.

I just stumbled across Google Trends which you could play for hours by changing the search parameters…

and still not reach a definite conclusion :smile:

Why is everyone bothered by the Poll, its obviously based on popularity, if Wordpress was an option who do you think would have the most votes. Its all bout the community voting so popularity will always be the key here not quality not saying Laravel isn’t good enough

How does CodeIgniter get so many votes? Its a legacy framework that still supports PHP 5.2 and aint adapting to the coding standard in the latest PHP world. Are there a lot of legacy coders and legacy applications in the PHP world?

I suspect that’s largely because the documentation for it is exceptionally clear, it has a very gentle learning curve and you can achieve results with it extremely quickly.

That’s why I think it gets so many votes: extremely low barrier to entry = widespread adoption.

Aye. I think the article title is a little too equivocal. I’m sure I recall @swader saying the meaning was intended as ‘The best survey for…’ but the hyphen here separates best and survey, making it a little inflammatory for our variously passionate and loyal framework fans.

All good publicity, mind. :wink:

Quite right.

Yeah, sorry about the title, I don’t really have an excuse.

Unfortunately, yes, there are many people who think taking 2 days to learn a better framework is too much work, and instead waste 20 days reinventing wheels in their legacy code.

I see, so just for the same reason why many people are still using the deprecated mysql functions after the professional coders already told them that they should look for mysqli or pdo. Its easier for them and the barrier of entry is low. sigh

It wasn’t meant to be a derogatory statement, merely an observation that that’s how it is. If you put someone who was completely new to PHP frameworks in front of CodeIgniter for a day and in front of Zend Framework 2 for day, they’d quite likely have built a basic application in CodeIgniter, but would still be working through the zend documentation.

After the two days were up, they’d most likely favour CodeIgniter because they actually had something to show for it.

Comparing this to mysql vs mysqli isn’t quite the same thing - the benefits of upgrading to mysqli are quite explicit, not least because the PHP manual itself warns against using the old mysql extension.

For what it’s worth, I’m no fan of the frameworks in their current guise (but I use slim+pimple for expediency).

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I don’t understand why these people hate the laravel.

This is, I think, the main argument. Having years of experience with both versions of Zend in enterprise environments, I would still never recommend it to anyone, let alone someone just starting out. Thus, it is very difficult to get started with it unless you absolutely must - people won’t recommend it, and you generally won’t learn it on your own unless you’re a masochist. Frameworks such as Zend will always have a hard time succeeding in popularity surveys like these, unless they have a large “imprisoned” audience (those who have no choice and must use it), so seeing Symfony score well is a great indicator of the success of its new DX initiative, led by Ryan Weaver.

In the end, It also would have been nice to see for what sized company everyone was working. The fact that so many people apparently use Laravel in their work environment, suggests that a lot of companies dared to go with the “new kid on the block” instead of frameworks like Symfony and Zend which exist already for a longer periode of time.

I guess most freelancers will use the same framework for personal and work. I am just wondering how many big sized companies dared to go with Laravel. You don’t switch framework every so often.