Better utitlity for searching Windows Xp files?

The built in Windows XP file searching does not have the features that are needed.

Is there a third party Windows XP file searching program that can do everything the built in search functionality plus the following features.

  1. Exclude either folders names or files names from search results.

  2. Exclude a single and/or group of specified folders and subfolders from the search results.

I found a program called Super Finder that claims to do both 1 and 2 from above however it does not perform number 2.

Any help?

SearchMyFiles is a perfect utility as an alternative solution to the Windows Search. It is also pretty fast paced in terns of searching your desired files and folders.

I use EveryThing, takes seconds to build a database and every file is available.

Only works on NTFS formatted drives.


I’ve used locate32 for a number of years.

That’s a helpful utility…thanx!

Since my original post I found an utility that does what I what. It is lightening fast too!

It is called SearchMyFiles found at