Bizarre date problem

This is really weird and I’m hoping there’s a really simple answer…

According to, to get the current day of the week you should use

$day = date("l");

So this is my code:

// Set Timezone
date_default_timezone_set('America/New York');

// What day of the week is it (Mon - Sun)
$day = date("l");

But it keeps saying today is “Mon”

This isn’t even a full textual representation of the day, it’s just a textual representation of a day, three letters which according to is achieved by using date(‘D’) - Yet even when I use this it still says “Mon”

Why is it doing this when today is in fact Friday in New York (Saturday where I am) — nowhere in the world is it currently Monday!

That is weird. I don’t really know why that’s happening. One thing, though, “New York” should have an underscore instead of a space. That shouldn’t be the problem, though.

If you run just that code, $day is “Mon” ?

// Set Timezone
// What day of the week is it (Mon - Sun)
$day = date("l");
echo $day;

That shows Saturday for me (since today is Saturday when making this reply).

Could we see the full code that prints out “Mon?”

My first impulse is to say “Your system time is off.”… do you get Monday for every date function?