Blog Comments

Some blogs have few comments while others have a lot of them. What makes people not comment on a blog even after them having quality and interesting articles? How do you get people to comment on your blog?

First of all, you have to have the traffic. If you have that, then keep in mind that, like beauty, both quality and interest are subjective and are “in the eye of the beholder”.

  1. Increase your traffic by commenting on other blogs in your field of interest. Make your comments show your expertise and you will increase your own targeted traffic.
  2. People comment on topics that are of general public interest. For example celebs, the environment, controversial news.
  3. Write op-ed blog posts where you state your opinion on your topic.
  4. Involve your readers in your blog posts. Ask a few questions that you leave unanswered.

Are you talking about some blogs that have many general comments? Something like a few hundred or even thousands? Maybe spam :slight_smile:

Try implementing Keywordluv - you’ll get lots of comments :wink:

One obvious advice is that do not require the commenters to log in. And don’t ask the commenters to provide anything other than name and email and of course captcha image for spam prevention. But the captcha image has to be readable. I hate those captcha images that I have to reload again and again before I can make out what is written.

Requiring the user to login or register almost always deter people to leave comments. Well, am I not stating the obvious:)

You should use interesting and general topics in your blog so that people may understand and comment on that topics.

write a fresh, useful and not duplicated contents for your reader.

Traffic and good traffic make comments and if you are a good blogger in other eyes you will get comment how ever what you write and if you make comments on other blog and ask them something they will reply. When you have knowledge about anything and you share it people will ask you several question and you will get commented by others.

People only take the time out to comment on something if the subject is controversial, exciting, or topical. Think about it-- which topic are people more likely to comment on? The whole Schwarzeneggar thing going on right now? Or an “interesting” article about how to fix a Windows problem?

Generally 2 reasons make someone to comment.

  1. If topic is interesting enough that reader can’t leave without saying something.
  2. If visitor came to make some link-building with the help of comments.

In my opinion - if you see a blog commented with tons of comments = it is just others spamming - the reality is “”““the higher you PR the more people will comment on youre blog””“”" - thats real …

Most of the articles that has a huge comment thing on, has the largest numbers of words that the writer wrote, where the readers or the visitors were really having a lot of fun, interest, and doubts. People sometimes have different things in mind in most every moment, people go for the latest, the hottest, the coolest and extraordinary blog they could look for - so to catch for the peoples attention raise your number of friends have their opinion and get on the writing… Good luck :slight_smile:

try ethical comments it will not spamming even build your links in the ethical way so that will also has value, but before that get some good pr links

There are two situations that I’d leave a comment,

  1. there is something i’d love to share regarding what’s said in the article;
  2. there is something i’d love to know regarding what’s said in the article.

I know for sure you can Increase your traffic by commenting on other blogs - I do it every time i can ------ get free account - and stumble trough different blogs

that unique to the query - also matt cuttz advised posting relevant text links to relevant blogs using youre yep of contents and domain - for carpentry you would post comments on a carpentry blog - if that makes sense to you - use it wisely

Haha :slight_smile: This is really a tough question to answer. Because we can’t ask visitors to do comments on our posts. But we can actually write good quality contents which helps them to learn something from our blog. So they will ask questions to us. Since, we got comments and the chain will be continued. Also some are looking for backlinks.

I agree many are Also looking for backlinks and comment spamming is the way to get some free links - so beware ---- also dont need to worry about getting comments - unless youre social or recipe blogger than join Digg, Delicious, Stumble … you need lots of social bookmark traffic to get comments, high pr, high alexa rating… and an aged domain name . plus excellent quality like the Ny Times or the NBA, NFL, Nascar and site that product mass media attention … otherwise it s along shot…

I don’t think this is spam. Its also a step to promote your website.

I think you can even hire a Writer for writing articles to your blog ! :slight_smile:

You want to make sure people are finding it in the first place. Make sure to Ping it. Also, if your blog is DO FOLLOW then you can add it to Do Follow directories and you will get lots of somewhat intellectually stimulating comments. :slight_smile: