Build It the Right Way—First Time, Every Time

Everyone has at least one thing they learned to do the wrong way. Anything from spelling a word to playing a sport, or perhaps even driving! Yet, even
after discovering the right way of doing it, most people still continue with their bad old habits. And this is no surprise …

Learning is easy. Unlearning, on the other hand, is near impossible.

Building a website follows the same rules. There are lots of wrong ways to do it. Hacks and workarounds may seem like a good idea at the time, but they
will only bring you a world of pain later—and as we know, it’s not easy to change habits.

So, to ensure your first website is easy to update, works in all browsers, and doesn’t constantly break and give errors, you must learn how to build it using
industry best practices. Build Your Own Website the Right Way using HTML & CSS, 3rd Edition will teach you exactly this.

This how-to guide is perfect for beginners with no knowledge about coding or building web pages. All you need to get started is a PC or laptop—and this

You’ll learn everything from basic HTML and CSS, optimizing graphics and using forms to tracking your website’s visitors and utilizing social media.

Grab the printed book and Digital Bundle for only $39.95 today!

New edition of Ian’s book? Coolness. It’s one of the few – ok, it’s the ONLY book I recommend whenever someone asks.

I should probably leaf through the new one at some point to see what’s changed… though that mention of HTML5 could be a deal breaker on my recommending it since I’d never point a nube at that {really nasty expletive omitted} apart from warning them away from it.

Wow. This sounds like just what I need. One question though, do you have a preview to this book?

There’s a sample download at the bottom of the product page… along with the table of contents, a link to download all the code samples from the book, etc, etc…

Bah, from the code samples it’s HTML 5 right from the get go… guess I’m recommending 2nd edition instead.

Isn’t most of HTML5 just a different doctype and a few extra elements?

i believe that i should get this for my new site

Hello Everyone,

Book seems like very useful and i want to ask question if someone want to buy then what is a process.

Just click on any of the three links in the first post.

got it.thanks.

are the previous editions available also? Just wondering, in case this version is a little too advanced.