Building a mobile app concerning Joomla articles

This isn’t a direct code question but a question on best practises. I am currently developing a mobile app which pulls articles from a Joomla database. So far things are ok however I currently pull information from the db but I would like to know how to implement cacheing. So that only new articles are pulled. The articles are updated only on a certain day of the weeks so how can I implement proper cacheing to save the app from unnecessary server requests.

Well, what language you writing this in? Also PHP? You would need to implement server side caching. Caching everything for about 1 hour should be ok. But the problem with that, there could be up to an hour delay for an update. Not sure about php, but .net has a Sql Dependency cache. So it caches everything, until something new is inserted into the db

I am using php and the hour interval is excellent as the articles are only updated on a Monday. However there is a huge archieve of old articles that will need to be accessed via a mobile. So tips on how to do this with cacheing will be very helpful

I am using .net for iphone app. But for joomla articles i will prefer to use PHP.

ok I am using php but how can I do the cacheing bit. I mean do a query to the server have a list of articles recieived later do another query and it appends to the list and not create a whole new list? Also how can you control how many articles will still be visible in that list. I am taking this example from mobile app and how they handle stories.

any other thoughts on this? I would like to append my list of articles until it reaches 20 articles and then it refreshes and starts over.