Building APIs You Won't Hate: Review

Doh! Thanks, fixed.

You’re welcome - thanks for a great book.

I’d recommend opening a public repo for typo submissions and other issues like Brandon Savage did for his book. I spammed that repo with some 20 issues while I was reading, it was simple to have it open in another screen and just put the encountered errors there. In most cases, people won’t bother to tell you about a mistake because it’s minor (who really cares about “pro’s” vs “pros”? - we all know what is meant by it), doesn’t reduce the content’s value, and - perhaps most importantly - because it’s tedious to break the reading flow just to report a typo or make a note of where it was. People like me don’t mind, we’re trained to break flow to shoot lightning, but others may mind. Having an easy to access repo might take care of that last point for them. This would also make it easier to have multiple pairs of eyes go through it, rather than just hiring a solo editor, though doing both is probably the optimal approach.