Basic Structure of MenuJSON

Simple flow chart for maintain data value

I have created AngularJS based drag and drop UI with the using Jquery.
There are modules which are draggable and droppable. I have made
these modules draggable and droppable but, I have to make some JSON
for every module after dropping that. There are modules like Menu,
User, Device and so on. When I will drag a Menu and drag further
module under the Menu module that will be drag as per user sequence
like on “1” drag device module, on “2” drag
user module and so on, but there is default action as well and on
that sequence “_” this should be put in the JSON. All the
modules which will drag under the Menu module these all should be
children of Menu or you can say that these all should be under the
Menu module. And the complete JOSN should be like as below:







The other module is single inheritance module that will be not
multiple droppable only the Menu module is multiple droppable.
I have created a fiddle but getting no success, here is the fiddle fiddle

Please any one reply

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