Buy context link

Hello. I have a problem. I need a quality service where I can buy qualitative context links. I bought links on sponsored reviews allways, but today it have much time. I do order on Sponsored reviews and waiting 7 days before I would know a result (my work done or my request is rejected).

I try find bloggers myself. I sent 100 emails and have 3 response.
If anybody can give me advice? :shifty:

So, How then to construct a link buillding, if to buy links dangerously? To agree personally with blogs owners? How it to make? They not willingly go on contact. :confused:

buying links is too risky if not implemented carefully, i go to annescoffield suggestion…

Nice idea, but link builder do the same. He buy text and context links. :slight_smile:

So, do you make SEO?

(Sorry for my english, I don`t speak well)

Instead of buying links, why not hiring link builder? Just a suggestion.