Can anybody help me with coding a simple thing for my facebook fanpage?

Can anyone help me with coding? I really don’t have any idea how to code such a thing (i’m complete noob at web programming)

I want to create a welocome (aka landing) page on my facebook with fan and non-fan content by using “Static HTML iFrame tabs” by Thunderpenny ( It has to section where to put your content (fan and non-fan).

The non-fan content will be IMG_1.JPG

User clicks “like” and sees next image (IMG_2.JPG) for couple seconds and then my website appears. IMG_2.jpg should appear only once after user have clicked my “like” button. Next time when he goes to my fan page he’s going to view my website right away (without appear of IMG2).

Can anybody help me to code this?

Check my image below:

I would really appreciate any kind of help! Thanks!


Does the Thunderpenny application support fangating? I took a look at their website and I don’t see any mention of it.

If you want to build a Facebook application, you just need to code a page and then set up a facebook application at

Keep in mind that an application on Facebook is essentially a web page hosted from within facebook. Fangating will be a little bit more tricky.

Here is a tutorial on creating a facebook app,

Here is a tutorial on how to create a fangated page using PHP,

Hope that points you in the right direction,
