Can Facebook show the about page to the public?


I wanted to know if anyone has their information displayed to non-friends / anyone not logged in.

Right now it is only showing the profile image and cover image but I want the about information to show so people know who I am (It is for an organisation but it is setup as a normal Facebook profile)

There are setting options available for this. You can edit your account setting options and set what you want to be displayed.

hi there,
go to your timeline and go to timeline settings just below to cover image and here you can found all what you are talking about!!

Yes you can, from the security options on facebook. Privacy shortcuts (the little lock icon on the top right of the page) > Who can see my stuff (in the dropdown).

You can control every thing by going to Account Settings in Facebook. You can control how people can see you . You can show to the public or friends what ever required by going to Account settings & Privacy Settings.

Yes, you can do it by going to Account Setting, you can do all what you want. You can public/private your photos as well.