Can you help me fix this problem please?

Hi, here’s my website sales page:

If you scroll down, there are a few incongruities that I’d like to fix but don’t know how.

For example:

  • I don’t know why the post title is showing.
  • The bullet points are not in Verdana font.
  • I cannot seem to move the testimonial pics to the right.

The HTML seems to be okay, but it’s not showing right in the web browser. Can you help me to fix them?

Bullet points are not in verdana font, because you haven’t applied style for UL tag in your minisitewp/styles/stylesheet.css
Edit this css file, specify this style code.

ul, ul span { font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; }

Applying a font family directly to a specific element is redundant and should never be done if it’s the same family throughout the website, instead you should apply it to the body and then overwrite it wherever the font changes in the website.

Thank you.