Can you include/require a file in a class

is this good or bad practice:


class BarcodeClass {


how would you use variables/etc from the required file, in the class?

Hi sessions,

Could you elaborate a little: What is in Image/Barcode.php? Data that you want to use with the BarcodeClass class?

It don’t think it’s a good idea to include files from within a class unless the class is some sort of loader that is responsible for loading configuration data, autoloading classes or something along those lines. Otherwise, you probably want to be passing in any data that the class needs via the constructor or class methods.

Hi fretburner,

thanks for looking. better sample code would have been this:


class ExampleClass {


yes, i was curious if it’s possible or even good/bad practice to include a file like that, and use data from an included file from within a class.

The class I’m building needs access to 2 different databases / 2 different instatiated database classes. I ended up passing my database connections by reference to the constructor.

But I’m still curious if it’s possible or even good/bad practice to include a file like that, and use data from an included file from within a class.

I would consider that fine. If your class needs to reference a library for example, and you don’t have auto loading set up, that would be the way to do it.

You would be including that file outside of the class in your example. Including a file from within the class may produce some unexpected results.

It’s a very bad idea, because you should be using auto loading and namespaces instead, so you shouldn’t even need require or include statements.