Cannot perform '<=' operation on MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime and System.String

Hi all,

Hoping someone might have an answer to this.

I am build an DataView from a DataTable where the source data is from MySQL.

I dynamically build a selection criteria which works great except for the dates in the source table.

I have tried the following 3 methods and get three different errors:

( ETD_DT <= ‘2011-03-17 12:11:31’ ) and (ETA_DT >= ‘2011-03-17 12:11:31’ )

gives me an error that says
“Cannot perform ‘<=’ operation on MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime and System.String.”

So I tried:

( ETD_DT <= #2011-03-17# ) and (ETA_DT >= #2011-03-17# )

gives me an error that says
“Cannot perform ‘<=’ operation on MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime and System.DateTime.”

So I tried:

( ETD_DT <= {ts ‘2011-03-17 12:44:03’} and ETA_DT >= {ts ‘2011-03-17 12:44:03’} )
gives me an error that says
Syntax error: Missing operand after ‘‘2011-03-17 12:47:47’’ operator

The issue seems to be that the designers of the mysql library decided they needed their own DateTime type and didn’t bother to implement the overloads for comparison operators with typical System.DateTimes properly. Do you have a way of feeding the criteria in as a MySqlDateTime rather than a string?