Can't get jQuery .prev to match my criteria

I’m looping through each counter on my page to modify those sections. When I try to use the syntax recommend in the jQuery API, however, I can’t specify the prev function to match only certain criteria. I’ve tried…


However, the only thing I can get to work is…

var test = thisCounter.prev().prev();

that works now but it’s pretty fragile given that the designers are likely to rework these sections from time to time. How can I grab the previous element which MATCHES my criteria?

Show us the HTML?

<ul id=“list1”>
<input name=“software1” id=“avc” type=“radio” value=“” />
<label> AVC</label>(<span class=“counter”>3</span>)
<input name=“software1” id=“bcl_converter” type=“radio” value=“” />
<label> BCL Converter</label>(<span class=“counter”>26</span>)

<ul id=“list2”>…</ul>
<ul id=“list3”>…</ul>
<ul id=“list4”>…</ul>

I’m iterating over all .counter items with an .each() and I’m trying to grab the sibling radio button. I sounds like you can pass a selector into prev(), but I haven’t been able to get that to work and don’t understand why. I guess .prev().prev() is OK, but it seems klunky to me.

Try using prevAll(‘input’) instead.