Can't post data into DB throught textarea

hi everybody I am trying to do a form with name a text area with two buttons Go and preview,the problem is when I am trying to put data into data base through textarea doesn’t work when I cheak phpmyadmin I don’t see any thing in the area please help
thanks in advance


   error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    echo stripslashes($_POST['area']);
    exit('unable to connect to the data base');}
   // select database
    if (!mysql_select_db('topic')){
    exit ('unable to locate database');}
    echo $name=isset($_POST["name"]) ? $_POST['name'] : "";
   $insert="INSERT INTO omar SET
   name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "' ,area='" .     mysql_real_escape_string($area) . "'";

    if(!$a=mysql_query($insert)) {
    exit( 'error query'.mysql_error());

//fetching data from database

$db_search = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM omar");

if (@mysql_num_rows($db_search) > 0) {

while($data = mysql_fetch_array($db_search)) 
{ Print "<b>Name:</b> ".$data['name'] . "<br/>" ; 
 Print "<b>Area:</b> ".$data['area'] . "<br/>" ;


<form action="duty1.php"  method="post">
name:<input type="text" name="name"/><br />
<textarea name="area " cols="60" rows="10">

<input type="submit" value="GO" />


There is a space in the name attribute for the textarea. That might be causing a problem.

Thank you ,I tried but it didn’t work .

there is no mysql sever try to take out line 25

forget that check it for syntex

you are not defining $area anywhere. You do it for name but not for area.


   error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    echo stripslashes($_POST['area']);
    exit('unable to connect to the data base');}
   // select database
    if (!mysql_select_db('topic')){
    exit ('unable to locate database');}
    echo $name=isset($_POST["name"]) ? $_POST['name'] : "";
   $insert="INSERT INTO omar SET
   name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "' ,area='" .     mysql_real_escape_string($area) . "'";

    if(!$a=mysql_query($insert)) {
    exit( 'error query'.mysql_error());

//fetching data from database

$db_search = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM omar");

if (@mysql_num_rows($db_search) > 0) {

while($data = mysql_fetch_array($db_search)) 
{ Print "<b>Name:</b> ".$data['name'] . "<br/>" ; 
 Print "<b>Area:</b> ".$data['area'] . "<br/>" ;


<form action="duty1.php"  method="post">
name:<input type="text" name="name"/><br />
<textarea name="area " cols="60" rows="10"><?php echo $area=isset($_POST["area"]) ? $_POST['area'] : "";?>

<input type="submit" value="GO" />
