Canva Tutorial: Create a Slick Infographic in 15 Minutes

Aha, i didn’t even notice that there was any clickable part in that thing.

1.) Nothing at all looks clickable, its just one homogenous blob of orange and red.
2.) It looks exactly as an info-graphics, and info-graphics are never clickable,

And as i try to click around, i notice immediately that there is zero connection between any clickable items, and what happens when i click it.

Most links just opens the same blurry video, some throws me at other sites at random, some leads to dead sites, some just appears to zoom in in the same crappy graphics.

I don’t think something can be a “infographics” and good at the same tine, since “infographics” seems to just mean “shitty webpage”.

Its simply one big chunk of mytery-meaty horrible webdesign.

There used to be rule for imagemaps on sites (when people still used them) , that you would put a copy of all the links in it as regular links at the bottom.

It worked.
This does not.

Im not even sure what its supposed to inform me about.
It’s some kind of worldwide burger-chain i have never heard about?