Capturing originating/referrer URL of Flash Ad?

Hi smart people! I’m running an ad on a craiglist-esque site and want to see what specific page they where on when they clicked the ad. Normally this is simply capturing the referrer but for some reason the gif ads don’t allow for this, presumably because the ad goes to a Google doubleclick which redirects to our page.

So am thinking whether we can do that in flash. The site requires clickTAG to be set, is that just a direct URL which allows me then to capture the URL? Or is there something in the Flash ad … or any ideas at all!

clickTAG is just the url that the ad clicks through to. Some sites will allow the ad to directly navigate to the destination, where as some will have their own gateway page to record click throughs, in which case they’ll add your url as a parameter. You should consult with the site operator or ad serving company primarily to check that referring page can be recorded.