Category List Layout - nothing showing

Using Joomla! 1.5.15, I have created a number of articles in the same category. I then created a menu item and linked it to Category List Layout and linked to this category, and when I clicked on the link on the frontend it displayed a list of the articles as expected.

I then created some more articles but in a different category, created another menu item and also selected Category List Layout and linked to this category. When I checked in the frontend there was no list of articles. I then check the previous menu item and it is now also blank.

If I change either menu item to any other type, e.g. Category Blog Layout, all the articles diplay correctly.

Any ideas what I could have done wrong?

The site is at: and under the Main Menu the items How to… and General Info

It’s an absolute pleasure.

Thanks for posting the answer even though no one replied to you originaly. I don’t see that as often as I would like.

your solution helped me a lot and probably saved me a load of time too.

Thought it was worth registering to say thanks :smiley:

Has this situation not happened to anyone? I have checked on another Joomla site and the category list works fine.

Would a reinstall of Joomla help? If so how to do without loosing all the configurations?

After digging for ages I eventually found the solution although a small issue of the chache obsured the result initially.

I entered the menu item in question and then under the Parameters (Components) I had to turn on the Category Title and also make it linkable. Initially this didn’t make any difference until I cleared my Cache and then all displayed correctly.

Well, it happened to me too! fortunately you posted this. In my case I had to turn on “show article title”.

Glad someone was helped. :slight_smile: