Category rss feeds

I am trying to show feeds from parent categories to let users only subscribe to certain feeds.

$myitem ='';
$mycats=  get_categories('include=3,4,5,6,8,9,16');
foreach($mycats as $mycat) {
                $myitem = '<li><a title="Subscribe to the '.$mycat->name.' news feed" href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/category/'.$mycat->category_nicename.'/feed/">'.$mycat->name.'</a></li>';
                echo $myitem;

Works fine in local development, but only displays a blank page live.
Is there a better way without having to use wp_list_cats, or is there something wrong in the code that prevents it from working with
wp version 3.3?

Works fine if I use the Category-specific-rss-wp plugin.