Cell border


How to change the cell border after I created a table

thanks galia

Please describe how you would like to change the cell border. From what, To what.

If you are talking of a table, as I suppose, just include the border property and the values you want to add to the “td” or “th” elements in the table:

th, td  {
border: 3px solid #000;

And please, read out the contents in the following sections of this same site:


I want that the border around the cell will be thicker like a picture frame

thanks galia

Did you try Jose’s code above?

If that’s not what you wanted then you may need to explain a bit more what your picture frame looks like :slight_smile:

If you are after the ugly old style default borders with spacing between cells then that can be achieved but we really need to know what you are looking for.


First of all I do not know where to put the code and yes I want the cell border will be thicker with a little more space between the cells (I have swf files inside them)

i am sending the code and the picture

the code

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the picture

thanks galia

That code is partying like its 1999 :slight_smile:

Add a class to the table tag (or tags) of whose borders you want to style and then use the following rules to style the cells as you wish.

.my-table {
	border-collapse:separate;/* gaps between cells*/
	border-spacing:10px;/* space outside the cells -  only applies if border-collapse is the separate value */
  /*border-collapse:collapse; if you don't want a gap between cells then use this instead*/
.my-table td {
	border:5px solid blue;
	padding:5px;/* padding inside the cells*/

<table class="my-table" etc...


Do I need to make outdoor or indoor class?
and does it matter when the swf file is inside becuse i try an outside class and it did not change the border

thanks galia


I’m not quite understanding what you are saying there but if you look at my last reply you apply the class like this:

<table class="my-table" etc...

You should apply that class to the nested tables that hold your swfs. If you apply the css and the classes I have shown above to the code that you posted you will soon see where the borders are being applied. Just use a red colour so you can see them easily.

The borders in your existing tables are made with the deprecated border=1 attribute that you added to the table but that is from 1999 as I mentioned before.

If you have a live link to the page it may be easier for us to debug for you.

now the border class is good but in my first cell above the cell Expands because of the border and it also do it down how to fix it and also i do border 0 to the second table that inside the big table and after i save it still show in the frame of the table what to do? and how to do a little bit space between the cells?

sending files


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                  <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
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            <td height="61" valign="top" class="outside"><object id="FlashID3" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="400">
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              <param name="swfversion" value="" />
              <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don&#8217;t want users to see the prompt. -->
              <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
              <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
              <!--[if !IE]>-->
              <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash work/&#1502;&#1514;&#1493;&#1508;&#1508;&#1497;&#1501;.swf" width="550" height="400">
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                <param name="swfversion" value="" />
                <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
                <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                  <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                  <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
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              <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
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                <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
                <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                  <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                  <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
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the image

thanks galia

Can you put this online somewhere as I need to see it in working order to debug properly?

You can use something like codepen but you will still need to host your images and flash files somewhere as the layout is dependent on them being present.


first my problem with the border class is good now but on the first cell that is up there is spacing and when i save the file on chrome it is looking good but on explorer it is not looking good what to do and how to do some little bit spacing on the four of the Other cells?

sending files

the swf files

thanks galia.

i am sending again the swf files you can see them in my last message

thanks galia


i sent also here

thanks galia


I really think we need to start again as your code is hard to work with and heading in the wrong direction.

Here’s how you should layout that section more simply without so many tables or javascript rollovers.

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li.menu3 {background:url(html-images/contect-4.jpg) no-repeat 0 0}
li.menu4 {background:url(html-images/contect-4.jpg) no-repeat 0 0}
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												<param name="swfversion" value="" />
												<!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
												<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
												<!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
												<!--[if !IE]>-->
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														<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
														<!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
																<h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
																<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
														<!--[if !IE]>-->
								<td><object id="FlashID2" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="554" height="280">
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												<param name="quality" value="high" />
												<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
												<param name="swfversion" value="" />
												<!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
												<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
												<!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
												<!--[if !IE]>-->
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														<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
														<!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
																<h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
																<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
														<!--[if !IE]>-->
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												<param name="quality" value="high" />
												<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
												<param name="swfversion" value="" />
												<!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
												<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
												<!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
												<!--[if !IE]>-->
												<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash work/&#1490;&#1500;&#1497;&#1492; &#1502;&#1505;&#1499;&#1492; love.swf" width="189" height="307">
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														<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
														<param name="swfversion" value="" />
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														<!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
																<h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
																<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
														<!--[if !IE]>-->
								<td ><object id="FlashID3" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="400">
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												<param name="quality" value="high" />
												<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
												<param name="swfversion" value="" />
												<!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
												<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
												<!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
												<!--[if !IE]>-->
												<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash work/&#1502;&#1514;&#1493;&#1508;&#1508;&#1497;&#1501;.swf" width="550" height="400">
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														<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
														<param name="swfversion" value="" />
														<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
														<!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
																<h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
																<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
														<!--[if !IE]>-->
								<td><object id="FlashID5" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="189" height="383">
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												<param name="quality" value="high" />
												<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
												<param name="swfversion" value="" />
												<!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
												<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
												<!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
												<!--[if !IE]>-->
												<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flash work/&#1488;&#1497;&#1497;&#1511;&#1493;&#1503; &#1490;&#1500;&#1497;&#1492;.swf" width="189" height="383">
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														<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
														<param name="swfversion" value="" />
														<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
														<!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
																<h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
																<p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
														<!--[if !IE]>-->
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<!-- end container -->

I’ve left the flash in your tables so that you have some similarity to work with but really tables should only be used for tabular content and not layout. If you check the zip out you will see that everything falls into position more easily and then we can adress what changes you need to make. I am a little unsure why your table is to the left unless you were later thinking of adding a sidebar perhaps.


first thank you come back
I do not know this method it seems more difficult and I know they did not do this method to arrange pictures or video to someone neat Could you explain to me the usual method

i am sending to you the code and image
and yes i put the table on the leaft and on the right i am putting two rounded table/div

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                  <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
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thanks galia

The space between cells is controlled with border-spacing in css (as in my example) or with the cellspacing attribute in old school deprecated mark up. Just adjust it to suit either with your old school methods (not advised) or with the css examples I have already given…

The space inside a cell is controlled with padding on the td element in CSS and with the cellpadding attribute in old school deprecated mark up (same comments as above).

I do not know this method it seems more difficult and I know they did not do this method to arrange pictures or video

The videos are still in their tables so there was no change there apart from removing all the junk attributes you had in the tags themselves.

The navigation however was changed to modern CSS as your method is not used these days and should not exist in a modern web page. I will not help with your old school mark up in the navigation as that just propagates bad behaviour and techniques but can explain the CSS methods used if you are interested in learning? There’s not much point in me just offering quick fixes as they are easily broken with your old school mark up and indeed it may not be possible to fix issues with the mark up you are using anyway.

You need to keep things simple and even if you use tables you should avoid nested tables and keep them clean and simple and easy to control. You don’t need to keep setting heights and width on everything in your table and indeed height was never really valid for tables as its the content that dictates the height.

Look at the page I gave you and see how much simpler the html is and how it all falls into place without trying. If you want me to explain how the CSS navigation works then I can run you through the techniques required but will require some willingness on your part to learn how this is accomplished.:slight_smile:


should i Instead of tables to do it with divis what do you think?

thanks galia

It all depends on what you bas your criteria?

If this is the one and only site that you will ever do and you don’t want visitors then you can do it however you want to get the job done.:slight_smile:

If on the other hand you are looking to make a viable site and learn the correct techniques at the same time then you should delve into CSS a little more and work your way through the processes required. Sometimes it is easier to shove it all in a table when all you know is tables but that doesn’t make it right or the best approach. CSS will be a bit of a steep learning curve at first but it soon gets easier for most of the basic layouts.

If this is just a personal site that only you will look at and you aren’t interested in web design then there’s not much point in spending months learning how to do it properly and you can get away with doing whatever it takes it get the job done quickly. It’s your choice really and depends on what your aims are for the site and whether you wish to improve your skills along the way.

I’ve given you a good start in the zip I attached so take a while to run through it and play with and try to understand how it works. When you get stuck you can ask questions but only after you have tried something yourself or do not understand how something works. Playing around with code is a good way to learn but it also helps to understand the basics and there are many sites around that will teach the basics of CSS.

i want to learn the technique but this is my final project of the course that i have to

Submit my work and that what i was learned what do you think i should do?

thanks galia