Centering Div in Div

I’ve been screwing around with this design for a Tumblr photoblog for little while, off and on. I changed some things, decided to have the date overlay the photo on hover. I’ve done this on other sites a million times before, I know how to do it, it’s not complicated. I’m guessing I screwed it up somewhere with my tinkering and now I’m just too irritated with it to see.

If anyone has the patience to check out my css/markup and point out the obvious.

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    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <div id="content">
        <div id="navbar">
        <ul id="menu">
       <li><h1><a href="/">Andrew West</a><span> <span class="slash">/</span> Photography{block:TagPage} / {Tag} {/block:TagPage} {block:PermalinkPage}{block:HasTags}{block:Tags} / {Tags}{/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags} {/block:PermalinkPage} {block:PostTitle} / {PostTitle}
{/block:PostTitle} </span></h1></li>
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        <div id="posts">
                    <li id="posttext">

                    <div id="bigphoto">
                        {block:NextPage}<a href="{NextPage}">{/block:NextPage}<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/></a>
                           <div id="caption">
                           {block:IndexPage}<div id="hovertext">{DayOfMonth} {Month} {Year}</div>{/block:IndexPage}  

                         {block:PermalinkPage}<div class="date"><span class="label">Date: </span>{ShortMonth}. {DayOfMonth} ’{ShortYear}</div> <div class="tags"><span class="label">Tags:</span> {block:HasTags}{block:Tags}<a href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a> {/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags}</div><div class="permalink"><span class="label">Link:</span> <a href="{Permalink}">{ShortURL}</a></div><div class="desc">{Caption}</div></div>{/block:PermalinkPage}

        {block:IndexPage}<div id="footer">
                <a href="{PreviousPage}" id="prev">Prev</a>

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Thanks, I really appreciate the help and I’ll be around to reciprocate.

Hi theandrewwest, welcome to SitePoint! :slight_smile:

You haven’t really said what you want to do. Which div are trying to fix?

That code you posted is too full of proprietary bits to be of much use to me. Could you post a live link?