CF Web Service and (sorry!) ASP/VBScript

I have developed a rather nice ColdFusion web service. When invoked from a CF client, it works beautifully. Now I am tasked with moving the client work over to VBScript for ASP. Yeah, yeah…I know, it’s a ColdFusion forum. But please bear with me. I’m hoping that you’ll all cut me some slack, since I am working with a ColdFusion web service here.

Here is an example <cfscript> block that nicely does the job of a Login:

MyServiceObj = CreateObject(“webservice”, “”);
ResponseXML = MyServiceObj.Login(, Form.pswd);
ResponseDoc = XmlParse(ResponseXML);

Now, I need to take EXACTLY what that <cfscript> block does in CF and port it to VBScript so that I can do the EXACT same thing from an ASP-based client. I need to invoke my CF web service, get the XML response, and parse it into a DOM object.

Is there anyone here who can point me in the right direction? I sure would appreciate it!


I would answer you if I could, but I don’t know ASP. Unless someone here happens to know it, you may be better off asking in an ASP forum. Just ask it in plain english instead of CF code.

I’m sure it’s possible. Though whether you can do the exact same thing (and as easily) is all dependent on ASP. Sorry :frowning:

Thank you so much for your response. After a night of research, and asking a few questions in an ASP/VBScript forum, I did find my answer. And it’s just about as easy as a <cfinvoke>. Thanks again!

Glad you figured it out! Do feel free to post the final code for anyone else looking to do the same down the road :slight_smile: