Change a single letter and form a new word







werf? …geez that’s too difficult. Let’s hear it for the simple folks with:


Edited to Add:
I would like to respectfully withdraw my word contribution; doubtless it was a repeat. I gotta’ say this is a new record for me. I don’t do forums very often, but I’ve never been moderated this quickly before. …hmmm, I’m not sure I’m withdrawing from the correct place since the post numbers don’t match up. I guess I’ll go withdraw from everything else. But “werf” is still a pretty neat word. And I apologize that I did not have the mental capacity (or time) to catch up with 3707 previous words.

Anyway, onward fools… your current word is still “werf.”

It’s a perfectly good word, and valid. The aim is to use words which haven’t been used before, but that doesn’t invalidate yours.

So from were


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NOTE: dane as a proper noun is not valid in this game; however, if anyone finds 2 references that define it as a normal, lowercase word, please let me know so I can add it to the word list. Thanks!

from dare (or dane):


FYI: the last “stats” update and rules of the game are posted here:

diva is valid (, but was previously used by TechnoBear, and I don’t think there are any other valid words.

What happens when there are no more words that comply with the rules?

You are allowed to repeat words, sometimes this may be necessary to get to the next “new” word (so don’t worry). They just try to use new words when possible.


something I’m not completely


You have some cheek…


I couldn’t


with you more.

I missed that you could re-arrange the letters. That makes it a bit of an easier:

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This is a game for vocabulary enthusiasts. The aim of the game is to post valid words that have not been posted before. Posting repeats cannot be prohibited, but neither are they encouraged as they do not contribute to the challenge of the game.

So from game (which is the first word to be posted 3 times)
we stroll to
ager #4

(that one came much too naturally )

Sorry, when I searched for it, I didn’t find any matches (Apart from the many talking about the rules of the game), but looking a second time, I can only see 1 repetition, #655 ronpat.

Maybe the results are limited if there are over a certain number and thats why there have been so many “game” words that have been submitted?

Am I searching wrong? I’m clicking on the magnifying glass in the top right corner, then typing the word, and then clicking “show more”

From ager to ague