Change image onmouseup but change others back

I have 7 buttons in a row that have a clicked and not clicked state, but whats happening is that when I click say buttong 1 it changes to yellow, then when I click button 2 that changes to yellow but 1 also stays yellow, when really when you click any button the others should return to their first state.

<div id="featured_Button_1">
<img src="../images/home_Featured_Button1_Clicked.png" alt="Image Picture 1" onmouseup="Swap(this,'../images/home_Featured_Button1_Clicked.png');zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',0);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',0);" width="57" height="57" />
<div id="featured_Button_2">
<img src="../images/home_Featured_Button2_Normal.png" alt="Image Picture 2" onmouseup="Swap(this,'../images/home_Featured_Button2_Clicked.png');zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',1);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',1);" width="57" height="57" />

The following script changes the button image from red to cyan when you click it. If you click another, the first one reverts to red as required.

<script type="text/javascript">
// get image objects
 var allImg=document.getElementById("wrap").getElementsByTagName("img");
 var imgB=false;
 function chgState(obj,indx)
  { var i, oldImgSrc, newImgSrc, result, newSrc; 
    // reset clicked buttons
      { for(i=0; i<allImg.length; i++)
           { oldImgSrc=allImg[i].src;
    result=(obj.src.indexOf("img_"+indx+"a.gif") != -1)? 
      { replacing:"img_"+indx+"a.gif", withThis:"img_"+indx+"b.gif" } : 
      { replacing:"img_"+indx+"b.gif", withThis:"img_"+indx+"a.gif" };
    newSrc=obj.src.replace(result.replacing, result.withThis );

I have created a working example in JSFiddle for you to play with. You may notice a small delay when you click the image before it changes. This is caused by the image loading from another host. The delay goes away after a few clicks in the example.

1 Like

Thank you Allan P, that works perfectly and is an awesome bit of code, will be coming back to that for years.

Could I ask your advice on one more bit, when the page loads the first image that loads is the first image of the 7, and so button 1 was in its clicked state already, you know what I mean, to indicate that the image showing is related to button 1.

So is there any way that can be built into that script, and then when button 2 is clicked button 1 returns to its off state.

I got the buttons below -

<div id="featured_Button_1">
<img src="../images/img_1b.png" alt="Image Picture 1" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',0);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',0);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,1)" />
<div id="featured_Button_2">
<img src="../images/img_2a.png" alt="Image Picture 2" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',1);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',1);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,2)" />
<div id="featured_Button_3">
<img src="../images/img_3a.png" alt="Image Picture 3" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',2);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',2);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,3)" />
<div id="featured_Button_4">
<img src="../images/img_4a.png" alt="Image Picture 4" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',3);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',3);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,4)" />
<div id="featured_Button_5">
<img src="../images/img_5a.png" alt="Image Picture 5" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',4);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',4);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,5)" />
<div id="featured_Button_6">
<img src="../images/img_6a.png" alt="Image Picture 6" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',5);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',5);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,6)" />
<div id="featured_Button_7">
<img src="../images/img_7a.png" alt="Image Picture 7" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',6);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',6);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,7)" />

var allImg = document.getElementById("wrapperNavBar").getElementsByTagName("img");
var imgB = false;

function chgState(obj, indx) {
var i, oldImgSrc, newImgSrc, result, newSrc;
// reset clicked buttons
if (imgB) {
    for (i = 0; i < allImg.length; i++) {
        oldImgSrc = allImg[i].src;
        newImgSrc = oldImgSrc.replace("b.png", "a.png");
        allImg[i].src = newImgSrc;
    imgB = false;
result = (obj.src.indexOf("img_" + indx + "a.png") != -1) ? {
    replacing: "img_" + indx + "a.png",
    withThis: "img_" + indx + "b.png"
} : {
    replacing: "img_" + indx + "b.png",
    withThis: "img_" + indx + "a.png"
newSrc = obj.src.replace(result.replacing, result.withThis);
obj.src = newSrc;
imgB = true;

I have changed the first up button src on button 1, but don’t know how then to change it’s state to 1a once for example button 2 is clicked

<img src="../images/img_1b.png" alt="Image Picture 1" onmouseup="zxcHotel.GoTo('tst',0);zxcHotel.GoTo('tstD',0);" width="57" height="57" onclick="chgState(this,1)" />

To set the first button to the clicked state you just change its src to the clicked image which is:

<img border="0" src="" onclick="chgState(this,1)" alt="button 1" width="68" height="68">

You will also need to change the variable imgB from FALSE to TRUE at the beginning of the script where it says:

var imgB=false;

This variable changes to TRUE when you click a button. As you are starting in the “clicked state” you must show it as set to true. The program then knows to reset the image to the non-clicked state before setting the next clicked image to the clicked state.

1 Like

Fair play Allan P, that’s a very nice script indeed.


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