Change The Size of a Banner

Hi all,

I would like to change the size of a banner on my website. It is currently at 468X60 in the top right on:

I’d like to change it to 728X90. When I do this, it won’t display correctly. It will move down towards the navigation bar and only show the top part of the banner. I tried changing the size of the logo (which is currently at its original size) but that didn’t work.

Any ideas?


  1. removed one of the classes
  2. reduced the left image
  3. hidden current content of right hand box (display:none)
  4. added style for a green 728x90px box.

	<div class="headerleft" style='background:yellow none; width:210px; height:101px;' >
		<a href="">
			<img style='width:210px' src="Filmletes_files/logo.png" alt="Suck at Sports? Watch Movies Instead&#8230;">
	<!--To define the 468x60 ad, go to your WP dashboard and go to Design -> Revolution Church Options and enter the ad code.-->
	<div class="REMOVED-headerright"   style='background:#cfc none; float:left; width:728px; height:90px; border:dotted 4px'>
		<a href=";pubid=21000000000247712">
			<img style='display:none' src="Filmletes_files/tplimage.jpg" alt=" Little Black Box That Streams Thousands of Films!" border="14"  style='width:620px; border:dotted 14px'>

Partial screen dump: