Change Title Of Meta Boxes?

I’m trying to create a function that would allow me to change the title of an established meta box (i.e, change Meta Box title ‘Authors’ to ‘Team’, etc.)

I didn’t want to use JS or have to unset the original meta box and re-add it.

I started off with the following:

// hook to the 'add_meta_boxes' action
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'change_meta_box_titles');
function change_meta_box_titles($post_type, $post)) {
    global $wp_meta_boxes; // array of defined meta boxes
    // cycle through the array, change the titles you want

I’m stuck on the part to “cycle through the array and change the titles you want”. What would be the best way to accomplish this? Using a foreach to loop? Or a Switch/Case scenario? Could anyone possibly give me an example of how to accomplish this?

This plugin might be easier:

Thanks for the suggestion, but not what I was looking to do(I already know how to create meta’s and custom fields). I wanted to change the Title of pre-existing boxes.

I found a semi-solution for this. The following will allow you to change the titles of “Core Meta Boxes” but for some reason won’t work with custom meta boxes:

//hook to the 'add_meta_boxes' action
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'change_meta_box_titles');
function change_meta_box_titles() {
    global $wp_meta_boxes; // array of defined meta boxes
    // cycle through the array, change the titles you want
    $wp_meta_boxes['post']['normal']['core']['authordiv']['title']= 'Team Member';

An example of a custom meta (using a custom post type) not working, that I mentioned above would be:

$wp_meta_boxes['portfolio']['side']['high']['cc_projectinfo_meta']['title']= 'A New Title';

In theory the above should work, but it doesn’t.

The reason I suggested the plug in, was two reasons:

  1. Depending where you are putting the solution code, may cause some frustration, such as if you store it in a theme and change themes.
  2. While I didn’t study the a plugin in detail, it looks like it collects all custom fields. Which would save energy down the road or if you did #1 (: