Changing Doctype from Strict to Transitional stops script


1- I have a Tabs list (Services/Solutions/Internal…) in below website which has been done using Javascript.

Now if I change the Doctype from Strict to Transitional the javascript ceases to work correctly (and I was not able to find why).

See here:

2- I need the Transitional doctype because my language menu does not work with Strict!!! and I guess fixing the Javascript might be easier than that.

What is the problem? What should I do to avoid such problems? (I guess I prefer strict type XML documents).

Thank you very much for your help.



Validating second link ( ) did not fix the problem (you can see the page passes the test now).

Validating the first link ( ) crippled the working script and I revived it to the previous version (in case someone wants to see the working script).

I put both those links through the w3c validator and it tells you exactly what the problems are.

What is the problem? What should I do to avoid such problems? (I guess I prefer strict type XML documents).

Validating your code often solves a lot of problems

It would be better to fix the language menu to work with HTML 4 rather than trying to patch the JavaScript to work with HTML 3.2