Changing name of input field

I"ve been having a little problem with a form I’ve been putting together in php. I’ve got another post regarding this. But I realized that I could probably solve this all with the use of javascript.

Basically the only problem I have right now is that I have more than one input field with the same name, so I need to dynamically change this. As it’s worked out, I already have some javascript in place that I believe I can piggyback on to accomplish this. I just haven’t been able to find a way that would work in this context, most solutions I’ve found deal with jquery, which this site does not currently have.

So here’s the code that I have in place:

<script type="text/javascript">
function rad1()

    <td style="padding-left: 15px;"><input id="radio" type="radio" name="refer_btn" value="A Friend" onclick="rad1()" /></td>
    <td><span id="check1">You're friend's name?:<input type="textfield" name="refer_box"  id="text1" value=""/></span></td>

It currenty shows the textfield if the radio button is clicked. I have this at a larger scale in with the form and javascript.

Now, I believe that there’s gotta be some way to add the name change commands in this function as well. Something like:

function rad1()
  document.getElementById("text1") ="refer_box"
  document.getElementById("text2") ="null"
  document.getElementById("text3") ="null"
  document.getElementById("text4") ="null"

Obviously that doesn’t work, but this should just be a matter of using the wrong verbaige, right?

Re: Wow! it appears that this works. Could have sworn I tried that already.

document.getElementById(“text1”).name =“refer_box”

In ternet Explorer doesn’t allow you to change the name of an input field after it has been created. To be able to change the name in IE you’d need to delete the input field and add a new one in its place.