Changing YAHOO ads every AJAX request

Anyone have insight on how the yahoo ad serving script can be used to serve up ads up using JavaScript that isn’t inline? I’ve attempted several things but it just seems like its impossible to do. Essentially, I would like to swap out a new round of ads per AJAX request. Any ideas? I’ve created a more friendly user interface for a site I’m working on but the thing is that the ads need to change every request since page refreshes are being eliminated. Otherwise, only a single impression may be tracked even though someone has visited essentially 100 pages, which is no good for the ad business. Any insight is appreciated.

Also, has anyone had success finding a way to delay the yield manager until the page has fully loaded? Sometimes the yahoo yield manager can take 10+ seconds resulting in a poor user experience and slow load time. Any ideas for that? Essentially, it would be nice to fully load the page than request the ads without using obtrusive JavaScript which seems to be the only way yahoo knows to do things.

This is the script:

Its pretty much an unreadable pile of trash but yeah, its what I have to work with.

(function () {

    var U = window.yld_mgr;
    if (typeof(U) != "object") {
    var H = "ym_";
    var L = 1990;
    var K = "default_" + Math.round(9999999999 * Math.random());
    U.is_data_call = U.request_type == "bc";
    U.non_ad_request_type = U.request_type == "bc" || U.request_type == "fc";
    U.is_multi_ad_call = U.slots ? true : false;
    U.is_sync_call = U.container_type == "js";
    U.proxy_url = "";
    var F = (!navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\\/([^ ]*)/) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/opera/gi) && navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/gi));
    U.place_ad_here = function (Y) {
        if (U.is_data_call) {
            var X = yld_mgr.getDataCallUrl(Y);
            document.write('<iframe src="' + X + '" height=0px width=0px style="display:none">+</iframe>');
        if (U.is_sync_call) {
            if (yld_mgr.show_ad_sync) {
        } else {
            document.write("<div id='" + H + Y + "'></div>");
            if (yld_mgr.show_ad_here) {
                yld_mgr.show_ad_here(H + Y)
    U.getIndex = function (X) {
        return yld_mgr.call_index[X]
    U.getDataCallUrl = function (X) {
        if (yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls && yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls.hasOwnProperty(X)) {
            return yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls[X]
        } else {
            return ""
    U.getSlotName = function (X) {
        return H + U.slot_names[X]
    U.getNumberOfSlots = function () {
        var Y = 0;
        for (var X in this.slots) {
            if (this.slots.hasOwnProperty(X)) {
        return Y

    function C() {
        if (U.is_data_call) {
            if (!U.is_multi_ad_call) {
        var X = D();
    function S(X) {
        if (U.is_sync_call && !U.is_data_call) {
            document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + X + '"><\\/script>')
        } else {
            if (!U.is_multi_ad_call) {
            var Y = document.createElement("script");
            Y.src = X;
            var Z = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
            yld_mgr.script_element = Y;
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 20)
    function E(Y, Z, X) {
        return [J("fmt" + Z, Y.ad_format_list, 1), J("sz" + Z, Y.ad_size_list, 0), I("fSz" + Z, G(Y.ad_fit_size) ? 1 : 0), W("dlv" + Z, Y.ad_delivery_mode), J("conTy" + Z, Y.content_type_list, 1), W("mrkr" + Z, Y.ad_marker), W("pltID" + Z, Y.palette_name), W("InvId" + Z, Y.inventory_id), J("rTg" + Z, Y.reporting_tag_list, 1), J("cCat" + Z, Y.cstm_content_cat_list, 1), W("sltId" + Z, (U.is_sync_call && U.is_multi_ad_call) ? (Z + "") : X), W("mxCnt" + Z, Y.max_count)].join("")
    function V() {
        var X = U.content_topic_id_list || U.pub_content_cat_id_list;
        return [W("pubId", U.pub_id), W("site", U.site_name), (U.non_ad_request_type) ? W("rTy", U.request_type) : "", W("cntTy", U.container_type ? U.container_type : "dif"), W("inEnc", U.ad_input_encoding), J("cTopId", X, 0), W("rd", U.redirect_clk_wrapper), W("cDst", U.clk_dest), W("age", U.user_age), W("gdr", U.user_gender), W("inc", U.user_income), J("cSctn", U.cstm_sctn_list || U.site_section_name_list, 1), W("zip", U.user_zip), W("cty", U.user_city), W("dma", U.user_dma), W("st", U.user_state), W("ctry", U.user_country), W("enc", U.ad_output_encoding), W("aTgt", U.audience_targeting), W("ctLng", U.content_lang), W("pUsrId", U.partner_user_id), W("trace", U.trace_id)].join("")
    function T(Y) {
        U.call_index = {};
        U.slot_names = {};
        var Z;
        if (!U.is_multi_ad_call) {
            Z = E(U, "", H + K);
            if (P(Y + Z.length)) {
                return ""
            U.call_index[K] = 0;
            U.slot_names[0] = K;
            return Z
        var a = 0;
        var X = "";
        for (var b in U.slots) {
            if (U.slots.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
                Z = E(U.slots[b], a, H + b);
                if (P(Y + X.length + Z.length)) {
                    return X
                X += Z;
                U.call_index[b] = a;
                U.slot_names[a] = b;
        return X
    function Q(X) {
        var Y = [(!X) ? I("tagTy", (U.is_sync_call ? "multi_secure" : "uni")) : "", (U.is_multi_ad_call) ? I("nAdP", U.getNumberOfSlots()) : "", I("rFrame", (( == window.self) ? "1" : "0")), W("flv", R()), I("cb", (new Date()).getTime()), W("url", N())].join("");
        return Y
    function B(a) {
        var c = "";
        var Z = W("ref", document.referrer);
        if (P(a + c.length + Z.length)) {
            return c
        c += Z;
        a += Z.length;
        if (!U.non_ad_request_type && !G(U.disable_content_send)) {
            var Y = "";
            if (F) {
                var b = L - 4 - a;
                if (b > 0) {
                    var X = b > 500 ? 500 : b;
                    Y = M(document.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].innerHTML.substr(0, X)).substr(0, b);
                    Y = Y.replace(/&#37;\\w?$/, "")
            } else {
                Y = M(document.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].innerHTML.substr(0, 500))
            if (Y) {
                c += I("byt", Y)
        return c
    function D() {
        var X = U.enable_test_call ? "" : "";
        if ("https:" == window.location.protocol) {
            X = U.enable_test_call ? "" : ""
        X += "V=4";
        X += V();
        X += Q(false);
        X += T(X.length);
        X += B(X.length);
        return X
    function A() {
        yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls = {};
        if (!U.is_multi_ad_call) {
            yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls[K] = O(U, K);
        for (var X in U.slots) {
            if (U.slots.hasOwnProperty(X)) {
                yld_mgr.fac_data_call_urls[X] = O(U.slots[X], X)
    function O(Z, Y) {
        var X = U.enable_test_call ? "" : "";
        if ("https:" == window.location.protocol) {
            X = U.enable_test_call ? "" : ""
        X += "V=3";
        if (!U.container_type || (U.container_type == "dif")) {
            U.container_type = "iframe";
            X += V();
            U.container_type = "dif"
        } else {
            X += V()
        if (U.is_multi_ad_call) {
            U.is_multi_ad_call = false;
            X += Q(true);
            U.is_multi_ad_call = true
        } else {
            X += Q(true)
        X += E(Z, "", H + Y);
        X += B(X.length);
        return X
    function P(X) {
        if (F && (X > L)) {
            return true
        return false
    function N() {
        var X = "";
        try {
            if (top.location) {
                X = top.location.href
        } catch (Y) {}
        return X
    function R() {
        var Y = new Object();
        Y.installed = false;
        Y.version = "0.0";
        if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) {
            for (var X = 0; X < navigator.plugins.length; X++) {
                if (navigator.plugins[X].name.indexOf("Shockwave Flash") != -1) {
                    Y.version = navigator.plugins[X].description.split("Shockwave Flash ")[1];
                    Y.installed = true;
        } else {
            if (window.ActiveXObject) {
                for (X = 2; X < 10; X++) {
                    try {
                        oFlash = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + X);
                        if (oFlash) {
                            Y.installed = true;
                            Y.version = X + ".0"
                    } catch (Z) {}
        if (!Y.installed) {
            return "nf"
        return Y.version
    function M(X) {
        if (X) {
            if (typeof(encodeURIComponent) == "function") {
                return encodeURIComponent(X)
            } else {
                return escape(X)
        return X
    function I(Y, Z) {
        var X = "";
        if (Z) {
            X += "&" + Y + "=" + Z
        return X
    function W(X, Y) {
        return I(X, M(Y))
    function J(a, X, b) {
        var Y = "";
        if (X && X.length) {
            Y += "&" + a + "=" + (b ? M(X[0]) : X[0]);
            for (var Z = 1; Z < X.length; Z++) {
                Y += "," + (b ? M(X[Z]) : X[Z])
        return Y
    function G(X) {
        return parseInt(X, 10)

Could you post a link to the script or (more preferably) the API of the script you’re talking about?