Chart just will not print or show in pdf format :-(

Greetings from very wet 9 Degrees C Wetherby UK

On this site & illustrated here Ive encountered a problem with regards to the chart showing in a pdf / print version of the site. Basically the client want s a hard copy version of the website but having tried a multitude of equally usefless techniques i just cant het the graph to show in a print version. I know i could paste a jpg into the site & that would work but that would destroy the real time feature of the data.

So my question is please…"Is there any way I can make the graph show for this site in a pdf

Grazie tanto,

If you can see the graph on your computer screen, you can simply take a screenshot of the graph and paste it on mspaint or word.

Then you can simply add content around it on ms word and finally print the same on a hard copy.

You can also use the snipping tool available in Windows7 to do the same function.

The page you linked to doesn’t show a graph, so we have to guess at how the page was serving this up. Are you saying that when you try to print the page as a PDF the graph disappears? Possibly it’s something a print style sheet doesn’t support … background image or something?

I think we need some more info.

If the page you’ve taken a screenshot of is what I think it is, the chart is created in Flash, which won’t print … and because the PDF creator does it through the print process, it won’t show up in the PDF either. As Harrie says, you’ll need to do a Print Screen on the actual page as you see it to capture the chart if it doesn’t have an export function.