Check box in Pdf in PHP using fpdf

I am trying to retrieve the data from database and put in pdf using FPDF .Its okay for text box but I am not sure how to do check box or radio button.Can someone Please help me.Thanks in Advance.

To create easily PDF documents with PHP, you can use the “dompdf” class. It is free, you can find it on the net.
This class converts HTML document in PDF. So, just create your document with html code as you want, than apply the dompdf class.

But its not html document it has php code. ?I am not sure if I understand it correct.Thanks for the help.

With php you can generate html code. You can make the page you want for pdf with html, then use dompdf to create the pdf document.
See the examples /demo from dompdf class, or on this page: dompdf.