Check if option is selected

hey guys so i have a drop down list and the options are populated from database. and i have a table where names would be populated from database when an option is selected. i have this:

<script type="text/javascript">
			if($(this).val() != "" )
				var msg = '<tr><td>Please select an event</td></tr>';

the else code doesn’t seem to be working. though the table does get populated when an option is selected. but i would like to have the “PLease select an event” message be displayed so users will select an event.

i tried doing

if($(this).val() == "" )
	var msg = '<tr><td>Please select an event</td></tr>';

but the message isnt shown, .load() works though. what am i doing wrong?

using jquery 1.11.1.min

It seems that you will be wanting to trigger the onchange event too, so that the empty value causes the message to occur.

That can be done with:


You can do it after setting up the change event.

cool. thanks paul!