Checking boolean of single mysql cell and returning value to if-else

Hey everyone,

I have a page where a person enters an order number to check if it is processed. The php checks the table for the ordernumber and then checks the corresponding “processed” column where I have a boolean 1 or 0.

Im having trouble returning the boolean and passing it through an if-else statement.
I then want to output “Processed” if 1 and “Not Processed” if 0.

At this point, any order number I enter returns a “Processed” value.
I know the issue is getting the query result and passing it through the if-else.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

if(isset($_POST['checktrans'])) {

$db = mysql_connect("","xxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx");
   if(!$db) die("Error connecting to MySQL database.");
   mysql_select_db("xxxxxxxx" ,$db);

	$check = $_POST['checktrans'];
  //don't need LIMIT 1 as the ID should be unique (auto-incremented)
  $sql = "SELECT `process` FROM `bits` WHERE `ordernumber` = $check";
  mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

  $result = mysql_query($sql);

  if (mysql_free_result($result) == 1) {
      echo "PROCESSED";
  } elseif (mysql_free_result($result) == 0) {
      echo "NOT PROCESSED";


For some reason you are calling mysql_query two times and mysql_free_result frees memory instead of fetching result. Also you shouldn’t use values directly from request in your query, at least mysql_real_escape_string can be used. Even better would be also validating that received data is what you are expecting.
Here’s snippet for checking if order has been processed.

$sql = "SELECT `process` FROM `bits` WHERE `ordernumber` = $check";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)

if ($row['process']  == 1) {
      echo "PROCESSED";
} else {
      echo "NOT PROCESSED";



Also it’s recommended to use MySQLi or PDO_MuSQL extensions for MySQL access instead of old MySQL extension. More info in php manual.