Chrome doing weird things with a:hover

I am building a site with a top navigation bar above the header and a second navigation bar below the header.

The a:hover function is behaving strangely in Chrome v12.0.742. The a:hover styling doesn’t appear (and the pointer doesn’t register that it’s a link) until I hover slightly above the text. I’ve taken a look in Safari and the link hover is working fine there. Here is my css:

#nav {
        display: inline;
	line-height: 3em;

#nav ul li {
	display: inline;
        float: left;
#nav ul li a {
        display: block;
	padding: 0 25px 0 0;
#nav ul li a:link {
        color: #a2c0d4;

#nav ul li a:visited {
        color: #a2c0d4;
#nav ul li a:active {
	color: #fff;
        text-decoration: none;

#nav ul li a:hover {
	color: #fff;
        text-decoration: none;

I know there are issues with Chrome and a:hover, and I have gone through the suggested solutions that I have found via Google. These include: putting a:hover after a:visited in the CSS file (I always do this anyway) and including li:hover a as well as li a:hover (which didn’t work for me).

I should note that this is only happening in my top navigation bar. The second navigation bar has no hover problems at all, and the same code.

Please post the html that goes with your css or preferably post a link to the page.

I’ve since tested on a different computer, where Chrome (same version) works fine but now the problem crops up in Safari. Firefox is fine.

I’m unable to reproduce the problem you mention in chrome or safari.

That content skip link is giving you a huge horizontal scrollbar though. Change it to left:-999em instead of left:1000px;

#access a {

Also your lower content navbar has a large gap at the top of it in FF3. In think that is due to the div you have nested as a direct child of the UL. Only a <LI> can be the direct child of a UL.

<ul id="contentnav">
    [COLOR=Red]<div class="menu-header">
    <ul id="menu-category-menu" class="menu">[/COLOR]
    <li><a href="#>Geography</a></li>

Thanks Rayzur. I had noticed the horizontal scroll and it was on my list of things to fix. Have done it now.

The div inside the ul for the lower navbar wasn’t something I put there; it turns out that it’s something created by the Wordpress custom menu. Thanks for bringing it to my attention: I’ve removed my outer ul and reassigned the CSS properties to ul#menu-category-menu (the one generated by Wordpress).

Unfortunately my original problem with a:hover is still a mystery.

I’m not seeing any problems in Chrome PC or Mac but I notice you have set topnav to display:inline which could cause problems.

Try changing the code to this and see if there is any change for you.

#topnav {
[B]  display: block;[/B]
  line-height: 3em;
[B]  position: relative;
  z-index: 99;[/B]