Chrome Handling Divs Differently than FF/IE

This is a first for me. While IE typically disagrees with Firefox and Chrome, this time I can’t figure out why Chrome doesn’t agree with Firefox/IE.

Here is a sample page:

Works fine in IE7 and IE8 and FF. But Chrome absolutely kills it.

Any suggestions?


Safari hates it too. Must be a webkit thing.

There’s a lot of cruft in the code that makes it harder to diagnose;

  • CSS in the <head>. Not wrong, but confusing.
  • Lots of inline CSS styles.
  • The <center> tag immediately after the <body> tag. Whatever it’s doing there, you don’t need it. You should do all your positioning with CSS.
  • Javascript that writes invalid XHTML (line 720)
  • Using <br>s to create space (line 182). Again, use CSS to create spaces between elements.

Hi, I strongly recommend before we even start debugging that you validate your page. You have over 200 errors and some of htem are missing tags. Don’t be scared though, fixing one error often fixes a whole bunch so hop to it :slight_smile:
CSS too :wink:

Turned out it was my PHP bugging out and bad response codes and ended up echoing out open DIVs.

Eesh. Thanks for finding that coding error!

And I will work to improve the validation.


Always remember to validate before asking a question here to avoid silly mishaps like these ;).

You’re welcome.