CMS for for easy activation/deactivation of some web contents

Can you please kindly help me with choosing suitable CMS?

I need the following features available (this is really very important for me!):

  1. Imagine that I have Page1 and on the Page1 there is a link leading to Page2. And now imagine that I want to TEMPORARILY DEAactivate (without really deleting) the Page2 (so that it is unavailable to users). Then after some time, I want to REactive this again.
  • Can I do this simply?
  • Even, is it also possible to DEactivate the link itself on the page1 (so that the link itself is not presented to the users) and then REactivate it again?
  1. Imagine that I have Page1 and on the Page1 there is a link leading to an image. And now imagine that I want to TEMPORARILY DEAactivate (without really deleting) the image (so that it is unavailable to users). Then after some time, I want to REactive this again.
  • Can I do this simply?
  • Even, is it also possible to DEactivate the link itself on the Page1 (so that the link itself is not presented to the users) and then REactivate it again?
  1. Imagine that I have page1 and on the Page1 there is a text. And now imagine that I want to TEMPORARILY DEAactivate (without really deleting) a part of the text, e.g. a text section, paragraph (so that it is unavailable to users). Then after some time, I want to REactive this again.
  • Can I do this simply?

Many thanks in advance!

Any CMS out there will allow you to do #1.

As for 2 and 3, you could create a “class” (or a “style” in the editor) that has the CSS definition of “visibility:hidden;” or “display:none;” … And when you want a certain block of text or image to be hidden, you would highlight it in your editor, and give it that style. But can you do it simply? Probably not, so I’m going to say no-go on this one as well.

You can, however, create copies or versions of certain pages … and simply activate or deactivate those versions as you choose (let’s say version A has the text block or image there while version B doesn’t). This would definitely be classified as “simple.”

And this sort of thing (#1 of your question) is something that you can do with pretty much any CMS. It is essentially the purpose of having a CMS in the first place … so asking if you can do it is like asking if there is a car out there that will allow you to drive places … or a knife that will allow you to cut things. :smiley:

So, uh, yes to 1. And probably no to 2 and 3.


Very many thanks for your advice!
Yes, creating copies and then making editied versions seems to be the very best solution for me.
Can you please also recommend me a CMS for easy activation/deactivation of such copies? I need to be able to change one webpage for another webpage easily.

(I have also posted a special thread on this topic, just right next to the thread you are just in.
Many thanks again!

Well, you can pretty much take your pick of any of the major CMS’s out there.

This is essentially what a CMS does, and why they exist!

But to your question … with Joomla you can accomplish this in 3 steps:

  1. Log in
  2. View Pages
  3. Select “unpublish” or “publish” next to the page you want.

To copy a page, you select “save as copy.” Or in the list view, you can select it, then “batch process,” then copy.

With wordpress, you’d do it in 4 steps and a plugin install:

  1. Log in
  2. View Pages
  3. Select the post/page you want unpublished or published.
  4. Select the status and unpublish or publish.

And you’ll need a plugin in order to create a copy of a page in the first place.

But honestly, the absolute easiest one to do this sort of thing with? Silverstripe. Here’s the same process in silverstripe:

  1. Log in, and you automatically see a list of your pages.
  2. Click the page you want.
  3. Click “Publish” or “Unpublish.”

You’re done.

To copy a page, you just find your page on the list, Right-click > Duplicate.

Done and Done. Quickest and easiest Content Management System I personally know of.

Many thanks for your detailed step-by-step reply! Very informative even for an absolute layman.

I have tried the Silverstripe demo and it seems really pretty userfriendly. The question is of course whether this CMS has the same technical capacities like e.g. Joomla. I will have to enquire into it.

Many thanks again!

It absolutely does. And in fact, it’s far more flexible and powerful than most anything out there, including Drupal.

Where it lacks is in the user-base. You won’t find a huge community supporting it. Just a few guys like me. :smiley: But the guys who do support it … really know what they’re doing, are very passionate and build some exceptional tools for it.

Silverstripe is all about the simplicity and intuitiveness for the end user. So I guess you could say … “Come for the simplicity. Stay for the simplicity?”

OK, I understand.
Many thanks again!