[Code Review] Help in inproving code

Can you guys tell me how I could inprove this code

NOnumbershere=new RegExp(/\\d/);
NOsymbolshere=new RegExp(/[+.,*ª!"·$%&()= ?¿¡º^`´ç;:_-]/);
emailpattern=new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/);
passwordpattern=new RegExp(/(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\\d)|(?=.*\\W+))(?![.\
warnicon = '<img align="left" src="images/warn.gif"/>';
function active_field(event)
event.className = "processing";
function check__regular_text_field(event)
errorid = event.id + "error";
error = document.getElementById(errorid);
firstchartoupper = thevaluetolower.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + thevaluetolower.slice(1);
thevalueint = parseInt(thevalue.length);
if (NOnumbershere.test(thevaluetolower) == true && NOsymbolshere.test(thevaluetolower) == true)
thefield.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = '<?php echo $no_numbers_or_special_chars_error; ?>';
else if (NOnumbershere.test(thevaluetolower) == true)
thefield.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $no_numbers_error; ?>';
else if (NOsymbolshere.test(thevaluetolower) == true)
thefield.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $no_special_chars_error; ?>';
else if (thevalueint <= 1)
thefield.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $not_enough_chars_error; ?>';
thefield.className = "correct_field";
thefield.value = firstchartoupper;
error.innerHTML = "";
function check__email_text_field(event)
errorid = event.id + "error";
error = document.getElementById(errorid);
thefield = event;
thevalue = thefield.value;
thevaluetolower = thevalue.toLowerCase();
var x = document.getElementById("email");
var y = document.getElementById("emailc");
thevalueint = parseInt(thevalue.length);
thevalueintx = parseInt(x.value.length);
thevalueinty = parseInt(y.value.length);
if (thevalueint <= 6)
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $not_enough_chars_2_error; ?>';
else if (emailpattern.test(thevaluetolower) == false)
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $incorrect_email_format_error; ?>';
thefield.className = "correct_field";
thefield.value = thevaluetolower;
error.innerHTML = '';
if (x.value == "" || y.value == "")
x.className = "processing";
y.className = "processing";
else if (x.value == y.value)
x.className = "correct_field";
y.className = "correct_field";
else if (x.value != y.value && thevalueinty >= thevalueintx )
x.className = "incorrect_field";
y.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $incorrect_email_match_error; ?>';
function check__password_text_field(event)
errorid = event.id + "error";
error = document.getElementById(errorid);
thefield = event;
thevalue = thefield.value;
var x = document.getElementById("password");
var y = document.getElementById("passwordc");
thevalueint = parseInt(thevalue.length);
thevalueintx = parseInt(x.value.length);
thevalueinty = parseInt(y.value.length);
if (thevalueint <= 7)
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $not_enough_chars_3_error; ?>';
else if (passwordpattern.test(thevalue) == false)
thefield.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $incorrect_password_format_error; ?>';
thefield.className = "correct_field";
error.innerHTML = '';
if (x.value == "" || y.value == "")
else if (x.value == y.value)
x.className = "correct_field";
y.className = "correct_field";
else if (x.value != y.value)
x.className = "incorrect_field";
y.className = "incorrect_field";
error.innerHTML = warnicon + '<?php echo $incorrect_password_match_error; ?>';

Here is a link to the working code


Please see this post for my code review for your other post that contains nearly identical code.

You can easily apply the information from that post to your above code.