[CODE REVIEW] help with quality of code

I’m new to programming and I’ve been able to hammer out some code that works, but I have no idea if there are better ways to have coded this. Could you please take a look at my code and tell me how to make it better?


	// get text from all agenda and minutes links and add title tag for accessibility
       // hrefs can be in various folders, but the first part of the file name should be yyyy-mm-dd
      // e.g. <a href="files/agendas/2010-12-10-IITCag.docx">agenda</a>
      // or   <a href="files/mins/2010-12-10-IITCmins.docx">minutes</a>
	var meetingAnchor = $("#meetings a");
	var thisHref,

	meetingAnchor.each(function(i) {
		var myThis = $(this);
		var anchorText = myThis.text().toLowerCase().trim();
		if ( anchorText == 'agenda' || anchorText == 'minutes' ) {
			thisHref = myThis.attr("href");
			thisDateStart = thisHref.search(/20/);
			thisDate = thisHref.slice(thisDateStart);
			titleText = anchorText + " for " + thisDate.substring(5, 7) + "/" + thisDate.substring(8, 10) + "/" + thisDate.substring(0, 4);
			myThis.attr('title', titleText);
  	}); // end of processing each anchor
}); // end of document.ready function 

One thing I’m really not sure of is where to declare my variables? Do they need to be inside the .each() function or outside of it?

Try the below

$(function() {
    // get text from all agenda and minutes links and add title tag for accessibility
    // hrefs can be in various folders, but the first part of the file name should be yyyy-mm-dd
    // e.g. <a href="files/agendas/2010-12-10-IITCag.docx">agenda</a>
    // or <a href="files/mins/2010-12-10-IITCmins.docx">minutes</a>

    var meetings = $('a', '#meetings');
    meetings.each(function() {
        var _this = $(this), text = _this.text().toLowerCase().trim();
        if (text == 'agenda' || text == 'minutes') {
            var href = _this.attr('href'), date = href.match(/[0-9+]{4}-[0-9+]{2}-[0-9+]{2}/), dateSplit = date[0].split('-');
            var titleText = text + ' for ' + dateSplit[2] + '/' + dateSplit[1] + '/' + dateSplit[0];
            _this.attr('title', titleText);
    }); // end of processing each anchor

In my personal opinion declaring the vars inside the loop is better as your not storing the values for further use outside the loop. Also jQuery added the ability to use a shorthand declaration of $.[B]ready/B so all you need to use is

$(function() {
    // jQuery code here

Thank you! This is a lot cleaner and makes more sense. Awesome!

A followup question…

You used _this as the variable name for storing $(this).

Is that the variable name most people use for $(this)?

It seems like so many people would store this, I was just wondering what others preferred for this.

_this is just how i like doing it, i have seen a few other people do this including a few users from this site. Depending on the size of the loop and how many times $COLOR=#66CC66[/COLOR] needs to be called it depends on whether the object needs to be stored within a variable.


I was getting an “Object doesn’t support this property or method” error in IE 7 and 8. I narrowed this down to the trim() method and discovered the IE 7 and 8 don’t support trim(). So I changed the text variable declaration to:

text = jQuery.trim(_this.text()).toLowerCase();