[code review]

var speed = 6;

var aDOM = 0, ieDOM = 0, nsDOM = 0; var stdDOM = document.getElementById;
if (stdDOM) aDOM = 1; else {ieDOM = document.all; if (ieDOM) aDOM = 1; else {
var nsDOM = ((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1)
&& (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) ==4)); if (nsDOM) aDOM = 1;}}
function xDOM(objectId, wS) {
if (stdDOM) return wS ? document.getElementById(objectId).style:
if (ieDOM) return wS ? document.all[objectId].style: document.all[objectId];
if (nsDOM) return document.layers[objectId];
function objWidth(objectID) {var obj = xDOM(objectID,0); if(obj.offsetWidth) return obj.offsetWidth; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.width; return 0;}
function objHeight(objectID) {var obj = xDOM(objectID,0); if(obj.offsetHeight) return obj.offsetHeight; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.height; return 0;}
function setObjVis(objectID,vis) {var objs = xDOM(objectID,1); objs.visibility = vis;}
function moveObjTo(objectID,x,y) {var objs = xDOM(objectID,1); objs.left = x; objs.top = y;}
function pageWidth() {return window.innerWidth != null? window.innerWidth: document.body != null? document.body.clientWidth:null;}
function pageHeight() {return window.innerHeight != null? window.innerHeight: document.body != null? document.body.clientHeight:null;}
function posLeft() {return typeof window.pageXOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageXOffset: document.documentElement.scrollLeft? document.documentElement.scrollLeft: document.body.scrollLeft? document.body.scrollLeft:0;}
function posTop() {return typeof window.pageYOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageYOffset: document.documentElement.scrollTop? document.documentElement.scrollTop: document.body.scrollTop? document.body.scrollTop:0;}
var xxx = 0; var yyy = 0; var dist = distX = distY = 0; var stepx = 2; var stepy = 0; var mn = 'smenu';
function distance(s,e) {return Math.abs(s-e)}
function direction(s,e) {return s>e?-1:1}
function rate(a,b) {return a<b?a/b:1}
function start() {xxx = -225; yyy = 150; var eX = 0; var eY = 100; dist = distX = distance(xxx,eX); distY = distance(yyy,eY); stepx *= -direction(xxx,eX) * rate(distX,distY); stepy *= direction(yyy,eY) * rate(distY,distX); moveit();
function moveit() {var x = (posLeft()+xxx) + 'px'; var y = (posTop()+yyy) + 'px'; moveObjTo(mn,x,y);}
function mover() {if (dist > 0) {xxx += stepx; yyy += stepy; dist -= Math.abs(stepx);} moveit(); setTimeout('mover()',speed);
function slide() {dist = distX; stepx = -stepx; moveit(); setTimeout('mover()',speed*2);return false;}
onload = start;
window.onscroll = moveit;

If anyone wants a copy of the rest of my code you can get the complete script and not just that piece of it from Sliding Menu Script

If you are going to use the code, please remember to keep the copyright notice intact so that others can see where you got it from.