Coldfusion <cfoutput query> within Javascript function

I use a background slideshow. Right now I have the images I use hard coded in the Javascript function. But different pages will have a different slideshow, so I would like to have the images coming from the database. But I don’t know how to integrate a Coldfusion <cfoutput> within the Jafascript function. Below you see firrs how I have it now and after that how I tried to integrate the <cfoutput>

    slide_interval	:       6000,		
    transition		:      	   1, 			
    transition_speed	:	1000,		
    slide_links		:	'false',	
    slides		: [			
				{image : 'page_photos/home1.jpg'},
				{image : 'page_photos/home2.jpg'},  
				{image : 'page_photos/home3.jpg'},
				{image : 'page_photos/home4.jpg'},
				{image : 'page_photos/home5.jpg'}

    slide_interval	:       6000,		
    transition		:      	   1, 			
    transition_speed	:	1000,		
    slide_links		:	'false',	
    slides		: [			
	                       <cfoutput query="getBackground">
	                       image: ''
	                       <cfif getBackground.CurrentRow lt getBackground.RecordCount>,</cfif> 

Using the function with the <cfoutput> I get a error on line 15. What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.