Comment echo problem :(

I am facing a problem with echo comment . details ::

if i write a comment on my site it will show correctly but when i create a comment like html tag it will show like HTML tag not showing like normal text.
EXAMPLE: if i write : <input name=“name” type=“text”> then it is showing like a INPUT BOX but i want to show this like normal text .
so how can i do this ?
if you know try to help me please.

You need to use htmlspecialchars($comment) to get that.

bro i am new in coding with php can u please make this clear ? it will be great help for me :slight_smile:

Show me the code you have for echoing your comment and I’ll show you how to update it.

Future reference, here is the manual page

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inbox INNER JOIN members on inbox.frm=members.login WHERE (frm='$passkey'and tooo='$frm') or (frm='$frm' and tooo='$passkey') ORDER BY id DESC");

while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo '<img class="pp" src="'.'../account/'.$row["pp"].'" alt="s" height="30" width="30">';
echo "<div id='imgmsg' class='bar'><a href='"."../".$row["frm"]."'/>"."<strong>".$row["f_name"]." ".$row[ "last_nme"]."</a>"."</br>"."</strong>"."<pre>".($row["message"])."</pre>"."</div>";


oh bro thnks i got this and its working i just use ::


and its working. thank alot for ur idea :slight_smile: @cpradio bro