Comment link on Static Pages not working

I just installed a new blog and new theme. Comment links work fine on blog post pages, but not on static pages. Discussion is enabled and comments are also enabled for the pages. If anyone has any idea what the problem may be, it would be greatly appreciated. You will see on the front page (static) it says “0 comments” and links to nothing:

Thanks in advance.

Posts and pages use different template files in your theme directory, if they exist. The posts will use single.php and the pages page.php. It is likely that you have such a page.php template that specifies what static pages look like, and this template does not include comments. You can add <?php comments_template(); ?> to the bottom of that file to include the comments template in the single page template, or compare single.php to page.php and figure out what’s different so you can make them the same.