Conditional Invoke of Apache and MySQL services through XHTML

Is there a way to start Apache and MySQL services within an xhtml index.htm? (i.e. javascript or some such?)

I’ve written a php5 / xhtml / MySQL application for my wife that runs local using the XAMPP downloadable server. As it stands, my wife must first remember to use the XAMPP control panel to start Apache and MySQL. (I really don’t need or want to add xampp_start.exe into the (MS Windows xp) startup folder.)

Is there a way that I can save her this minor hassle by an imbedded script or some such in my xhtml 1.0 strict index.htm?

(Running on a dell dimension 4600 using windows xp)


Brian Case

If you could start and stop OS services from a browser that would be a horrible security hole.

Probably the best thing would be to move it to real hosting – what happens when that hard drive made by the lowest bidder dies? Is your mysql being backed up? What if she wants to use it from her mobile phone.

Second choice would be to just configure Apache and MySql as a service on the machine. Or grab an old machine, toss on any linux variant you like and run it there. Backup caveats still apply.

Third choice would be to write a small powershell script that:

  1. Check to see if XAMPP is running and if not start service
  2. Fires up browser pointed at correct url