Content Not Being Display

How do I prevent my Link from disappearing??
When I click on the link, “Click Here”

It display, “Look At Me!!” but the link, “Click Here” is GONE
Is there a way to keep my link, “Click Here” from disappearing?
So when I click on the link, “Click Here” the content, “Look At Me!!” should display as well.

Here are my codes


<script type="text/javascript"> 
function display() {
   document.writeln("Look At Me!!");

<a href="" onClick="display()">Click Here</a>


useing document.write will create a new document that is replaced with the origional document (the one that contains the link).
The solution here would be append child or innerHTML changes

Use something like this:


<script type="text/javascript"> 
function display(idt) {
   document.getElementById(idt).innerHTML = 'Look At Me!!';
   return false;

<div id="rejs"></div>
<a href="" onClick="return display('rejs')">Click Here</a>


this work perfect
tks guys

.innerHTML is used when you trigger an event but if you just want to display the text how would you go about do it??
I don’t want to used document.writeln because it will “Wipe out all the contents” of that page.
So I have some HTML text and javascript text. I would like both to display on my page.

Here’s my code


<script type="text/javascript"> 
function display() {
   document.writeln("How do I make both text appear");

<body onload="display()">
I would like this text in the body to remain.

<script type="text/javascript">



<!DOCTYPE html>
		I would like this text in the body to remain.

			window.onload = function() {
				var currBody = document.body;
				currBody.innerHTML = 'How do I make both text appear' + currBody.innerHTML;