Continuous Music

the continuous music will make your contents and page very heavy…

Yes but if the visitor has to click a link to download and play the music then it doesn’t matter because only those who want to hear the music have that overhead.

you can use a frame and insert play button and load music url within this frame and the other frame will be content.

Just use an i-frame. It’s easy and will work. If you really want to force music on your viewers, do it! Obviously if it’s a commercial “customer is king” type website, then it’s a bad idea, but if it’s your personal website, make them listen to whatever you want, and remove the volume control! It’s your house :wink:

Why are you guys suggesting an iframe instead of just loading the pages via ajax?

I think this way is good.

Why? To me landing on a site that automatically plays music is rude, and if I don’t need to be there I’m gone immediately. Otherwise I hit the mute button if I must do business!

Please reconsider having music play automatically! It’s like walking into someone’s house without having the courtesy to knock!
